Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day !

14th Feb, Valentine's Day...decidedly its one of the most interesting days of the year and I am saying this despite the fact that I am single. I find it interesting because you get to see a lot of action.
Weeks before VD, the newspapers, radio stations, television, etc start nagging us with all sorts of ads and other pre-valentine and valentine preparations. You get to see ads of all the valentine parties, gifts which you can possibly buy for your valentine, to do lists, not to do lists, how to dress up perfectly for that perfect date, your horoscope in sunday times, love qoutient of all sun signs, whether the week ahead will be romantic for you or not?...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My very first blog :)

Let me first welcome you to my blog...
hmm...finally my very own blog..creating a blog was one of the few things i wanted to do from a very long time...but somehow due to the busy schedules or otherwise i could never accomplish...but let me warn you....this blog was created to say nothing at is just an outlet for the truckloads of random thoughts i encounter everyday! :)
I am not that good with words but i hope in the future postings i will actually have a subject to write on..